Webinar 14 de Mayo
- Technology and advantages Ballast water treatment system & Scrubber System from Panasia / Rubeda.
- Rubeda introduction ( 5 minute)
- Panasia Introduction ( 5 minute) by Kelvin Kim
- BWTS introduction ( 15 minute) by Roy Hong
- Scrubber introduction ( 15 minute) by Pard Lee
- ** All the participants will mute mode(cannot speak), with video on. – Host user is the only speaker.
- Where : ZOOM Link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82785422819?pwd=Z0ZSSzlxa3RSVU00VzAxUmNHM0xDUT09
P/W(pin code) : GoSpainGo!
- When : 2020. 14. May (10:30 Madrid)
- Who : Rubeda & Panasia (Maximum 100 participants)
- After the Webinar
- All the question or inquiry will received to Rubeda. You can send the email after to me.
- The presentation file will hand over to Rubeda after Webinar.
Rubeda Web page : https://rubedate.com/panasia/
Panasia Web page : http://www.worldpanasia.com/eng/
Panasia You Tube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9gAtiC7lrc2nU3vUhNo4WQ
Email address : p.diaz@rubedate.com or ana@rubedate.com
Teléfono: 91 311 95 64